Diversity in Tech report 2021

Tracking diversity in the UK tech workforce

Diversity in tech: the power of regional insights

Through their annual surveys of hundreds of UK tech employers, the Tech Talent Charter’s Diversity in Tech reports reveals the latest diversity and inclusion statistics and practices. Their report serves these insights back to the public for free, enabling organisations to learn from each other and work collectively to improve diversity and inclusion in tech.

This report has a powerful regional lens, digging into demand, tech talent supply and tech employee diversity for different regions of the UK and different tech disciplines.

In this report you will find data on:

How employers are measuring D&I data
What employers are prioritising in their D&I strategy
Gender diversity by technical discipline
Diversity benchmarks by team size, region and industry
Proportion of job roles that are digital, by UK region
Diversity of the UK tech talent pool for data science, programming and engineering, by UK region
Approaches to flexible working
Tech training initiatives as a lever for diversity
Diversity in tech recruitment processes
Inclusive culture markers
Perceptions and attitudes towards D&I efforts amongst tech workers
Alternatively, you can view the report below
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