Diversity in tech reports

Original data and diversity reports released by the Tech Talent Charter during its operation

Industry-leading insights on diversity and inclusion in tech

A strategic objective of the Tech Talent Charter was to measure diversity in the UKs tech ecosystem and the cornerstone of this activity is the publication of an annual Diversity in Tech report, based on diversity data from the Charter’s Signatory organisations. As the Tech Talent Charter grew it delivered additional reports based on original data from their Signatories and from insights leveraged through consumer research.

These reports provide key insights into diversity in tech, and the inclusion practices that impact it. They also provide inspiration and examples directly from employers of how to take action to improve different aspects of diversity and inclusion.

Below are all the Tech Talent Charter’s published reports.

Diversity in Tech report 2024

Our largest and broadest report on diversity in tech

Diversity in Tech report 2023

Diversity and Inclusion in Tech: many lenses of inclusion

Diversity in Tech report 2022

Diversity in tech: what works and what doesn’t?

Diversity in Tech report 2021

Diversity in tech: the power of regional insights

Diversity in Tech report 2020

The TTC in action across the UK

Diversity in Tech report 2019

Tech Talent Charter’s first diversity in tech benchmarking report

Attrition in tech

What can you do to improve retention of women in tech?

Routes to tech: hiring managers’ perceptions of non-traditional routes to tech

Routes to tech: learner perceptions of tech skill programmes

Would you recommend a coding bootcamp or tech skills programme?

Diversity in Tech Recruitment 2024

Tech recruiters hold a key to diversity in the tech

Diversity in Tech Recruitment 2023

The tech talent businesses that are walking the talk

D&I for Tech LeadersLearn moreD&I for Tech Leaders

Comprehensive recommendations to increase the proportion of women in technical roles

Inclusive Reskilling

How to build effective upskilling and reskilling programmes with inclusivity at their core

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