Diversity in Tech report 2022

Tracking diversity in the UK tech workforce

Diversity in tech: what works and what doesn’t?

Through their annual surveys of hundreds of UK tech employers, the Tech Talent Charter’s Diversity in Tech reports reveals the latest diversity and inclusion statistics and practices. Their report serves these insights back to the public for free, enabling organisations to learn from each other and work collectively to improve diversity and inclusion in tech.

This report focuses on what companies report to be working and what problems they are still facing. The report includes an exclusive glimpse behind the curtain of other organisations, with many anonymous and identified quotes on the challenges employers face and what they are doing about it.

In this report you will find data on:

Gender diversity stats
Ethnic diversity stats
Where tech employees are based across the UK
Where tech employers in the UK are headquartered globally
Diversity benchmarks based on company size, tech team size, UK region and industry
D&I practices in use at the most diverse tech employers
A wide range of examples from employers on how they are delivering on diversity, including: diversity data and measurement, systems and processes, and training and awareness
The most persistent and pervasive D&I challenges employers report facing
Alternatively, you can view the report below
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